Your Calling is Your Career

Scripture Reading - John 6:38 KJV

For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

As we stated in the “First Calling” every person on the face of this earth has a “calling”. The “first calling” is the voice of the Lord trying to get your attention to be saved. Upon being saved by God through the confession of Jesus Christ as our Lord we will be moved toward God’s “Second Calling”. This “calling” we refer to as God’s “Second Calling” includes doing God’s perfect will for your life. In the preceding message we (ihlcc) spoke about how your natural job is typically what we refer to as your “career” because it is what you do every day. However, your “calling” represents who you are before God and what the Lord Jesus and Father God ordained you to be. In this lesson we will briefly discuss those rare individuals whose “career” is their “calling” and vice-versa their “calling” is their “career”. The reason we (ihlcc) say that this is rare is because there are multitudes upon multitudes of people who go to work every day primarily to earn a salary (pay check). If asked the question is there something else you would rather be doing they would answer, “Yes” because their heart is not completely submerged into what they are doing as a “career”. For example there are plenty of hourly workers that work hard who wanted to be professionals but they couldn’t afford a college education. Some will say they could have gotten a student loan but going into debt for a promise of a good job doesn’t always work (in a recession) and it could potentially make matters worse instead of better. Similarly there are working women who rather be at home raising their family (children) but their mate doesn’t make enough money to sustain the family without her help (income). The majority of workers in the world today are working to earn a living without (void of) living off of what they are learning from God concerning His “calling”. Doing the work of God as you work with others as a “career” fixes the problem of complacency. It is God’s intention to have all people working exactly where their heart is at to completely understand what it means to live the abundant life in Christ. This basically means the people who God “called” to do a specific task in the earth are graced and blessed to do it. Therefore, the sooner one can get into that specific “calling” as a “career” the more fulfilled that person will be in life. Think about a godly woman who wants to stay home and raise children she should be totally satisfied if she can do that comfortably because all of her family’s needs are met. Remember, that was a common way of life fifty years or so ago. Likewise, if a person was “called” to play sports and that has been his (or hers) dream from their youth up they will be happy to do this as a “career”. To be a professional athlete is a dream come true for those doing it. Why, because they are satisfied doing what they believe they are called to do. Yes, you could be called to be in business, law, military, public services, etc… the true “calling” of God extends way past just ministry. Basically we are just saying whatever that “calling” is doing it in the Grace of God will bring you greater satisfaction with a greater measure of happiness. Now don’t get us (ihlcc) wrong living an ungodly lifestyle will never bring you complete satisfaction but doing what God put into your heart to do with a righteous lifestyle will most certainly be fulfilling. We have heard many a preachers say how blessed they are to be in the middle of God’s Will and you know what we believe them. We have also heard many people tell us they are not satisfied in their current “career” because their heart isn’t into it. Some say lack of money is my problem while many others say it is the type of work they have me doing. Others will still say I like my job but it’s just the people I work with are making it hard on me. In those cases we (ihlcc) would say, “Where is the Grace of God to overcome all obstacles?” Whatever the reason it still sounds like dissatisfaction, so what is the remedy you might ask? The remedy is striving to get into your “calling” as your full-time “career” will fix the working void in your heart. We, know it takes time, money, focus and effort for that reason we tell anyone who will listen pursue excellence in your workmanship (both your “career” and your “calling”). Keep fighting to get into the place God “called” you to be because we are convinced that it is the only place of your complete satisfaction in Christ and in Life. Yes, complete satisfaction spiritually, mentally, physically, socially and financially. We have experienced being into what God called us to do and we will tell you as a friend, “life is good” in that sweet spot. However, on the flip side of that when we were doing something outside of our heart we often had times of frustration and dissatisfaction. The Word of God tells us to be wise as the serpent and yet as harmless as a dove. So be wise in your pursuit of the perfect job doing the “career” you were “called” to do. However, in that pursuit for excellence be sure you don’t harm others in your immediate family or hurt your close friends by being insensitive to their relationship in your life. Yes, growing always takes change and in that same light change is always challenging but if it comes down to doing God’s Perfect in His Earth it will be all worth it in the end. Since Jesus came to do God the Father’s Will we as dearly beloved children of God must go and do likewise. Amen!